Introducing BioBoss.
As a member of the biopharma community you know there aren't many places to hear first-hand from the corner office. BioBoss changes that.
BioBoss is a window into the thinking of founders, CEOs, and those who lead today's biopharma companies. Listen each month to a new conversation between branding veteran John Simboli and biopharma executives. Hear answers to the questions you'd ask – "What drives your vision? How do you make things happen? Why should I care?"
Welcome to BioBoss.
John Simboli:
What do you think? Do we really need another podcast? Aren't 630,000 enough? Maybe, but if you follow biopharma, you know there aren't many places where you can hear from the corner office. That's why I started BioBoss. BioBoss is a window into the thinking of biopharma leaders. You'll hear answers to questions you'd ask: What drives your vision? How do you make things happen? Why does it matter? During my years working with biopharma leaders to help tell their story and build their company's brand, I've learned there are easier ways to make a living than leading a biopharma company. Maybe that's why the leaders I've spoken with for BioBoss share an unshakeable determination to overcome adversity. Then there's emotional intelligence—managing emotions and turning them to constructive purposes rather than being dominated by feelings that could diminish leadership. In BioBoss, you'll hear how leaders cope with ambiguity, how they stay open to new ideas and respect the rigor of process no matter where the data lead. Now it's your turn to listen in on my conversations with the women and men who lead biopharma and hear what drives each of them. 2019 kicks off with a focus on companies headquartered in Connecticut. First up, John Houston, president and CEO of Arvinas. John is the 2018 BioCT entrepreneur of the year. You'll find BioBoss at your favorite podcast location—Apple podcast, Google, Spotify, Stitcher. Alexa, I'm your host, John Simboli. Welcome to BioBoss.